It might amaze you how much people dread interviews and how much flaws even intelligent people exhibit during intervew sessions. One thing we need to realize is that to succeed at anything, there are basic knowledge and information you require, simple things but very needful.
The following top tips will help you be prepared, relaxed, confident and ensure that you will bring out the best you have to offer during an interview session.
Read on:
1. Your CV: This is one document which goes ahead of you and trust me, it tells a lot about you to your interviewer. It reflects, not just your credentials but also your potentials such as attention to details, organizational abilities, professionalism, etc. You need to get it right here!
2. Be Prepared: Get all your credentials ready, don't leave out any unless asked to. Interviewers will like to see a backup document for the things you quote on your CV. That makes it credible. Don't forget to make copies. Also know where you are going, how you are getting there, how long it will take you, what time you will leave, what you need to bring with you and find out what will be expected of you and what resources you will have at your disposal. Finally, know the current issues happening around you and also in the field your being interviewed for. Your general and industrial awareness will be assessed.
3. Personal Research: Find out as much as you can about the organisation (vision, strategies, clients, competitors, offices, ownership, etc) the industry and the role you are applying for. You will need this good background information to show your interest & seriousness and also to grounding your answers.
4. Do Your Rehearsals: You may think this is not necessary but when you practise every part of the interview you can, from the introductions to the close of the interview with you friends and family to help or in front of a mirror, you will get accustomed to rapid questions and also discover oversights. This is also a good time to formulate the questions you would like to ask your interviewer.
5. Know Yourself: You can only sell what you are sure of! If you don't know your potentials, you can't convince your interviewer about why it has to be you. So know what's great about you, why you want to work for the organisation in question and why they should hire you. If you know the answers to these questions, then the organisation doesn't have to guess, and you can help them be clearer as to why they should hire you!
6. Be Prompt: Be sure to arrive a few minutes early, not too early so you don't get tired while waiting or too late so you don't appear unserious & sluggish. About ten minutes is good. Just long enough for you to relax and not feel rushed. Present yourself to the front desk as soon as you arrive. Be polite and amiable when giving your name and the purpose of you visit. This is where you begin showing your best assets. Remember to smile!
7. Project Your Best You: First impressions count - a lot! Make sure you are presenting the best you: good quality, appropriate clothes, groomed appearance, excellent communications skills and good diction (don't overdo that, just be yourself). Rest and eat well. Be full of life!
8. Sell Yourself: During an interview, you are given the time to sell yourself, take advantage of that. Point out your achievements, recommendations, rewards, projects, assignments, etc. Also, never assume an interviewer has read your CV, reiterate what you've already written in your CV to ensure they know what you are referring to.
9. Know Your Strengths, Be Aware Of Your Weaknesses: What are your strengths and weaknesses? This is a popular question which assesses your ability to critically adjudge yourself; it shows personal growth & development. Make sure you know what these are, that you can articulate them, and that you know how to see your weaknesses as potential strengths. Don't ever say you have no weakness!
10. Be Confident: Answer your questions with an air of assurance. Don't ramble or add irrelevant information. If for any reason you can't answer a question, boldly and politely explain that you can't. Trying to play smart will only give a wrong impression about you and probably annoy your interviewer.
11. Ask Questions: Lack of questions can often be interpreted as laziness or lack of interest in the role in question - and you don't want that. A good way to prepare questions is to have an idea of what you really want from your work, your working environment, seek to find out what they want from the role, etc. Please ask intelligent questions!
12. Money Talk: In an interview, you are a product and your initial focus should be on establishing your suitability for the position and not the position's suitability for you. Do not give the impression that remuneration is your only motivating factor, even when brought up, insist on rounding up the interview before bargaining. However, there are other career motivators, don't build your career on money only!
13. Interview your Interviewer: Sounds funny right? but you need to. Remember that it's as much about you interviewing them as your potential employers as it is about them interviewing you as a potential employee. You spend most of your time at work, make sure it's spent wisely in a place where you want to be and with people you can afford to be with!
14. Enjoy The Process: Yes! Life is easy and fun and so also can an interview be if you let it.
A lot of us could do with not taking things so seriously so loosen up and have fun. You are likely to come across as confident and as somebody that would be fun to work with. Don't be so rigid!
15. Don't Feel Rejected: It is normal for you to feel like you performed poorly or you failed if you don't hear from the organization or if you receive a negative feedback. However, It is important you know that the essence of an interview is to determine how you meet the organization's specific requirement contrary to the view that it is a pass or fail situation. With that in mind, if you are not contacted after the interview, don't feel rejected because its a question of suitability. You can, however contact the organization to find out exactly why you were not selected.
Hope I have been able to communicate some facts about interviews that will position you to scale through successfully and enjoy it, so for your next interview, ensure you have fun!
It’s only natural for any activity to become less exciting when it’s done the same way, same time and in the same place, repeatedly. Let’s face it, same faces, same environment, same routine; every single day can be mind-numbing. (As you can see, you are already tired of reading ‘same’). At that point where the beginning excitement is gone and you feel like your gear is in neutral. You know that the case here is not that your job is not gratifying but rather, the repetition of task is beginning to wear you out. So what can be done? Do you pack and resign or remain unexcited?
Interestingly, I found these few things which you can do to re-energize yourself at work and go on enjoying what you do.
Write down your daily vision and goals; make it plain because it will motivate you to achievement. When you have in your focus things to do, you will feel the energy to complete the tasks. As you do each one, strike it off on your list so that you will see the progress you are making. It might help if you paste it where you can always see it.
You can take up some task outside your responsibilities. Broaden your experience. That way, you have something new and different to do which could even expose you to a new skill.
Contrary to some thoughts, doing more than you are required of does not only benefit your employer or increase your benefits, it also keeps your job alive. This is because it exposes you to new tasks, challenges and gives way for commendation and recognition.
Don’t wait to be asked, look around and take initiatives. Turn on your creativity and find new ways that can assist the company reach their objective. Do what you would have done if you were the business owner.
Your mind gets excited at the sight of new knowledge. When you stop learning, you start dying. So go on as many trainings and workshops as you can. This will ensure you update your skills, learn better ways of doing your job, network with others in similar position from other companies and be re-energized.
All work and no break is not a good combination. No matter how behind you might be in your schedule, take a break when boredom sets in. Take a walk, go for lunch, network or engage in a conversation, you will be amazed at how refreshing you will find it.
Negative thoughts are weakening. Stay positive about your job, colleagues, supervisors and your environment. Though things may not be as they should, staying positive will attract those desires to you and keep your energy burning.
Allow your personality into your job. If you like to be creative with your dressing, bring it in; add some colours and accessories (as much as allowed) to brighten you up. Decorate and re-arrange your work place as you would like and as often. Put yourself in your job.
Coaches offer motivation and direction to your career path so don’t leave them out in the process.
For coaching services, email us: sealedstrategies@gmail.comOr call 08039323640
S.E.A.L.E.D Strategies Consultancy
Lifestyle and Career Coaching
In my last blog on this page, I tried to explain how important it is to avoid an un-fit career which is as a result of wrong career decisions, hence the need for a Career Coach. With this post, my intention is to give your guidelines that will gear you towards your well-fit career path.
These few but basic guidelines will help you ensure you have the right tools (e.g. CVs,) and personal profile for a productive career.
Understanding of Self
This is the fundamental step which should be undertaken prior to making a decision about your career and personal development. It gives you answers to the ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘why’ questions.At this step and with the requisite tools, you will be able to identify key factors such as:
- · Transferable Skills (what am I good at?)· Interests (what am I motivated to do?)· Values (what is most important to me?)· Personality (what work roles, environments and relationships would suit me?)· Career Drivers (what are my key career needs?)· ‘Past Positives’ (what activities & environments enables me to thrive and be at my best?)
Explore Ideas and Opportunities
With an understanding of self, you are then ready for this next step where you begin to brainstorm on factors that will possibly position you to be at the best place, career-wise.You will provide answers to the questions below through research:
- · Ways to improve your prospects· How to develop your potential· Alternative roles· Different work environments· New or complementary careers
This step will help you develop a clearer vision for your future.
Make a Decision
And now with the help of a Career Coach you will be given exercises to help you assess the suitability of different options, and decide on the ‘best fit’. You will also be helped to set realistic goals and devise small and relevant action steps to achieve them.You will need to gain understanding of the employment market, contact and discuss with people in your ideal career path, before making a decision.
Though I have mentioned the help of a coach, if you have the tools for this step, you can go ahead with it just as you did in the other steps.
At the end of these steps, if properly conducted, you would have been able to identify your best-fit job/career.
Go on and try it!
For coaching services, email us:
Or call 08039323640
S.E.A.L.E.D Strategies Consultancy
Lifestyle and Career Coaching
Having a Career Coach is the best thing you can do for your professional development this year. We live in an environment where little attention is given to career coaching and so we gamble with our career, leaving its fate in the hands of all circumstances except our own real essence. Are you aware that most people do jobs without having a career and at the end of their 20 (or so) years of experience, they can’t be considered an authority in any area.
Here are some reasons to convince you that you need a career coach this year.Improved ROI
According to a survey, coaching programs have been shown to provide approximately a 300% return on investment (ROI). In other words, companies who spend N1x in a wellness program earn N3x as a result of decreased turnover, better employee work attitude, job efficiency, etc — it makes financial sense.
Greater Job Satisfaction
Finding a job is both tasking and time consuming which becomes even depressing when you spend that energy and resources only to end up in the wrong environment. It takes more will power, energy, intellect to do things that don’t motivate you. So engaging a career coach ensures you get it right the first time.
Greater Productivity
Job satisfaction + Ideal work environment +Right-fit culture + Winning personality = Greater Productivity
Greater positivity in life
Career coaches are trained to focus on positive outcomes and to be a source of motivation. They tailor their efforts to help you find greater satisfaction. Having a career coach ensures you are getting assistance that speaks to your wants and needs – not someone else’s. One step to achieving your goal is to surround yourself with positive people, so hiring a career coach ensures you’ve got at least one positive influence in your life.
Access to the right tools
Career coaches are determined to see you improve and succeed, may be even more than you want for yourself because they see the opportunities available for you. They will look at you objectively and strive to empower you to take the necessary actions to achieve your goals; they will provide you with just what you need. Whereas you may not know how and where to find what you need, they will give you the direction and see you through it.
In short, while the people in your life tend to tell you what you WANT to hear, your career coach will be honest and tell you what you NEED to hear to make your career goals a reality.
Winning Personality
Career coaches will help you identify habits that are holding you back from success. Then, they’ll coach you on the actions you should take to learn new, better ways to accomplish your goals. In short, coaches teach you how to remove roadblocks to success on your own – ensuring you can do this for yourself both now and in the future.
It Works
Studies show that professional coaching has even greater impact on things like relationships and teamwork. Recipients of coaching saw a 77% improvement in relationships, 67% improvement in teamwork, 61% improvement in job satisfaction and 48% improvement in quality.
You deserve the best
Just ask yourself, “Do I deserve the best?” If the voice in your head says, “Yes!” then you need to take action.
Let’s face it: If you could have found greater career satisfaction on your own, you would have by now. So, why not give yourself some well-deserved support that will help you get what you want and deserve in 2012. We spend a third of our lives at our jobs, why manage it, why regret it, why earn low? Spend a little time and money NOW and enjoy the rest of your time and huge income FOREVER.
Its time you felt good about your career!
For coaching services, email us:
Or call 08039323640
S.E.A.L.E.D Strategies Consultancy
Lifestyle and Career Coaching
Nice, I'm glad you are on this page, because this is the hub of the blog. All talk and no action is cheap and unproductive!
So, this page is designed to assist you have a healthy career based on your personality and inherent abilities. Through this page, we (you & I) will help match your personality, interests and abilities with responsibilities. Practical guides to aid you make a good career choice or a pleasant career change will be posted here. You will also be guided in choosing a course of study, if you are yet to go through the tertiary institution.
And yes! You will have access to jobs here, from all sectors of the economy.
For coaching services, email us:
Or call 08039323640
S.E.A.L.E.D Strategies Consultancy
Lifestyle and Career Coaching